
lunedì 30 dicembre 2013


OOAK Miniature Rabbit by Celidonia

I wanted to sculpt an Angel, for Christimas, in the moment in which he alights on the Earth, touching lightly. Angels can have any appearence, and the nearest to my feeling has long hears and a star-cotton-tail.

Miniature Rabbit

But while I was sculpting, I realised that wings was redundant and I had to remove them. Maybe true Angels don't need wings, because the energy that enable them flying is the same that - as they went past - enable the seeds hidden in earth and people sprouting and blooming.
Feeling the touch of this energy is my good wish for the New Year.

domenica 22 dicembre 2013

Workshop Miniaturitalia - Waking Rose Fairy

This Little Fairy is just woken up! She opened only one eye, because the other is still dreaming...
Do you like to learn sculpting her? I'll teach it in my Workshop at Miniaturitalia , the Miniature and Dollhouse Show, next 7 February in Milan (Italy).

We'll study how to insert the opened eye, how sculpting the closed eye, the face, the arm and hand, petals and leaf.

I must admit, if I was a visitor, I would have a magic potion that multiplies twenty of me, to partecipate to all twenty workshops, because all they're wonderful!
I hope we'll see at the Show and you'll join us to give life to the little Waking Rose Fairy! :)

giovedì 28 novembre 2013

Fairies at Semenzaio di San Sisto

In a Sunday full of the last rays of the Autumn's Sun, some Fairies and me visited the Semenzaio di San Sisto, on the occasion of a mycological show.

Little Fairy with Leaf
There was enchanting mushrooms, in the wonderful Aranciera setting, and so beautiful plants in the Garden, but the youngest Fairy admired the red Titian painting of a Leaf, work of the Fairies that Fairies that live in that place.

Duck in a Pond at Semenzaio di San Sisto
On the square, not only Fairies lived there, Undines too must live there, because there was little ponds, where Mallards and Terrapins was playing...

Fairy among the grass
And while we was exploring the place, the eldest Fairy said that she saw one of them hidden among the feathers of a young Mallard.

Cat at Semenzaio di San Sisto
At the end of our tour, on the back way, a wonderful Black Cat said us goodbye, admiring with us the wonderful view, with the Pines in the background.
Rome is full of magic places... maybe is for this reason that Cats and Fairies love it. And I with them :)

mercoledì 20 novembre 2013

Winter Night Dream Elf

This Little Elf'll be born next 1 December, at the Insieme per il Trullo association. Please, email me if you like to attend the Fairy Course.

In the meantime, would you sing a Fairy Lullaby for him? :) 

Once upon a time a Little Little Elf
He Dreamt among Petals and Leaves
- Safe from Wind and Freezing Spell -
A White Snow Coloured Dream!

giovedì 31 ottobre 2013

Hoppy Halloween, Hoppy Birthday!

Halloween Rabbit
Pumpkins kept the Summer's promise, growing large and orange. Leaves put on their most flaming evening dress, to dance with the Wind... and we too are in a holiday mood. Celidonia's Mice, Rabbits, Robins and Fairies, we all are getting ready to welcome the most Magic Night of the Year. Humans named it in many way, in the course of time and minds: Samain, Lemuria, Halloween, Vigilia di Ognissanti. But we unpretentious souls like only following the course of Nature and we won't lock it in a name. We only love celebrate it, beyond the Doors of Time and Space. And singing, in the Heart's Language, without words:
Goodbye Summer, thanks for yours presents gave to Autumn... We'll miss you!
Welcome Autumn, thanks for your sweet return... We missed you!
As soon as the darkness falls, we'll put a candle out of the window, to light the path, so no one will lose.
And to celebrate - in the No-Time Night - the first Birthday of this our new blog, too. Would you light it with us?

martedì 8 ottobre 2013

Celidonia's Fairies on tv... on-line!

Fairy News Rabbit
Thanks again to the kind Rosita, I knew that Arturo tv published on-line, in their website, two of the ten lessons I gave for the Faidate program a few years ago - They are just an excerpt, only in Italian language, I'm sorry. For those who couldn't see the video on tv, here the links: Elf in the Tulip and Sunflower Necklace.
Just to start to play whit Polymer Clay. Good Crafting and Fairy Creations! :)

martedì 1 ottobre 2013

Rabbit in Pumpkin

 "What a wonderful Pumpkin!" Little Rabbit says...

Miniature Rabbit in Pumpkin
 "Is there something for me inside?"

Miniature Rabbit in Pumpkin
 "Nope. Nothing to eat... Neither the pumpkin pulp!"

Miniature Rabbit in Pumpkin
 "But it's a comfortable place to stay indeed... Like a warm burrow!"

Miniature Rabbit in Pumpkin
 "I can sight enemies, while I'm hidden"

Miniature Rabbit in Pumpkin
 "And I can shout 'BOOH!' to scare you!"

Miniature Rabbit in Pumpkin
"But it's just an Halloween's trick! I'm a very sweet and loving Rabbit..."

Miniature Rabbit in Pumpkin

"If you adopt me and give me a lot of carrots! Let's come to visit me, I'm on Etsy now!"

lunedì 30 settembre 2013

Celidonia's Fairy Courses

Celidonia's Fairy Courses come back next 26 October at Rome, at long last, at "Insieme per il Trullo" association!

We'll start with "The Little Bell Fairy", do you remember her? She was the first of my new Simple Fairies and her silvery bell sound was the beginning of a new fairy melody! :)
Please, attention: limited number courses and necessary early enrollment.
Write to me at celidoniastudio [at] or to "Insieme per il Trullo" at insieme_trullo [at] for information or... ring a fairy bell and the Little Fairy'll appear! ;)

venerdì 27 settembre 2013

Celidonia's Fairies come back to Hobby Show with ADMI

After some years of absence, Celidonia's Fairies come back to Hobby Show, the fair of creativity that will be next October in Rome, at ADMI stand. ADMI is the Italian Miniature and Dollshouse Association and it will be in the Rome fair edition for the first time.

Dreaming Baby Fairy
ADMI miniaturists will teach with wonderful short workshops, all professional and high-level courses, and this little Fairy is mine :) I named her  "Pink Dream Fairy", because it seems she was dreaming just pink dreams... But I hope my students will not send to sleep, sculpting her! ;)
She and me wait for you next October 11-12-13 at Hobby Show in Rome!

martedì 24 settembre 2013

Welcome Autumn Baby Fairy has a Play-Display!

The Little Fairy has her play-display! :)

Autumn Baby Fairy
It's a bit of Autumn land, with its colours, and and little tree, with a leaf that hang from its branch.

Autumn Baby Fairy
It's not so fair as her Old Tree in the Wood, but I hope she likes it

Autumn Baby Fairy
And I hope it's a comfortable place to stay, while she visits the Human World.

OOAK Baby Fairy with Autumn Leaf
She played wht the leaf all the time, this night

OOAK Baby Fairy with Autumn Leaf
And now she sleeps, dreeming her beloved Wood.

OOAK Baby Fairy with Autumn Leaf
She'll wake up soon...

OOAK Baby Fairy with Autumn Leaf
And she'll need someone takes her in hand

OOAK Baby Fairy
And takes her to know our world. Would you help her, together with me?

giovedì 19 settembre 2013

While I work at the Fairy Display...

She plays in the wood

Fairy in the Wood
With the first Cyclamen of the Season

Fairy in the Wood
And a shining Berry of Wild Rose!

Fairy in the Wood with a Red Berry

lunedì 16 settembre 2013

Welcome Autumn Fairy

The Leaves are falling in the Wood, and there is a Little Fairy that tries to catch them in full flight... can you see her?

She is an Autumn Fairy, but she is just a baby, so she doesn't paint in gold the Leaves, together her Sisters, she just play with them!

She plays on the more Ancient Tree of the Wood - with his Branches and Soft Moss He take care of her  - but She want to go and see the Human World...

So I'm creating a play-display for her, so that she doesn't feel too alone and she'll always plays with her favourite Leaf... I'll post new pictures soon!

giovedì 5 settembre 2013

After the Rain

In the Wood after the Rain...

rainy leaf
 each Leave is adorned with Pearls...

rainy leaf jewel in polymer clay
 and each Ear, each Stem and little Blade too...

rainy ear
It's a Rain Fairies's Spell... that are whispering:

rainy grass jewel in polymer clay
"Summer, get ready, Autumn is just behind the Hill..."

mercoledì 28 agosto 2013

A Fairy Sweet Pea

Walking in the Wood with a Little Fairy as a fellow-traveller, I was inspired so much by a little Wild Sweet Pea...

fairy and a sweet pea flower
 It was so lovely and delicate! I tried to put that Beauty in the sculpting, so a Sweet Pea Fairy Jewel was born...

sweet pea necklace
In the Language of Flowers, Sweet Pea means "Departure, I'm sorry I must leave"...

sweet pea
So I was sorry to leave that Enchanted Wood.

mercoledì 21 agosto 2013

An Enchanted Bramble

If you go in the Countryside to pick Blackberries, during the mid-August Holidays...

fairy near a black berries brumble I might meet a Fairy Brumble!

fairy near a black berry brumble
 And some little Fairy, made curious, might come down from the Bramble to say hallo...

fairy and black berries
And whispering the inspiration to create a Fairy Jewel, to celebrate the Summer...

Black Berry Necklace
 and honoring the shiny blue and red gems...

Black Berry Necklace

enchanted brumble
that Bramble gave with generosity!

martedì 6 agosto 2013

Ear of Wheat Necklace

ear of wheat necklace
A little Fairy Spike, to celebrate the Harvest Home!
ear of wheat necklace
And singing the Cerere's Song in the Wood stroked by the Wind.

venerdì 12 luglio 2013

Iris Baby Fairy

iris baby fairy

A dewdrop is dropping from the blue-violet Flower...

iris baby fairy

on the forehead of the little Fairy who sleeps inside it. 

She is the Iris Baby Fairy and she is just waking... to paint a rainbow!