
domenica 22 dicembre 2013

Workshop Miniaturitalia - Waking Rose Fairy

This Little Fairy is just woken up! She opened only one eye, because the other is still dreaming...
Do you like to learn sculpting her? I'll teach it in my Workshop at Miniaturitalia , the Miniature and Dollhouse Show, next 7 February in Milan (Italy).

We'll study how to insert the opened eye, how sculpting the closed eye, the face, the arm and hand, petals and leaf.

I must admit, if I was a visitor, I would have a magic potion that multiplies twenty of me, to partecipate to all twenty workshops, because all they're wonderful!
I hope we'll see at the Show and you'll join us to give life to the little Waking Rose Fairy! :)

4 commenti:

  1. Dolce e tenera Fatina!!!!! Auguri a te e famiglia, cara Daniela, con affetto....

    1. Grazie cara Paola! Un abbraccio e tanti auguri a te e ai tuoi cari!

  2. tua piccola fatina e' davvero bella e che bei colori! Buon Natale ;)
