
mercoledì 28 agosto 2013

A Fairy Sweet Pea

Walking in the Wood with a Little Fairy as a fellow-traveller, I was inspired so much by a little Wild Sweet Pea...

fairy and a sweet pea flower
 It was so lovely and delicate! I tried to put that Beauty in the sculpting, so a Sweet Pea Fairy Jewel was born...

sweet pea necklace
In the Language of Flowers, Sweet Pea means "Departure, I'm sorry I must leave"...

sweet pea
So I was sorry to leave that Enchanted Wood.

2 commenti:

  1. lo Sweet Pea è un fiore davvero bellissimo e delicato hai fatto bene a riproporlo con le tue mani magiche ;)

    1. è uno dei fiori preferiti dalle Fate, infatti erano tutte lì nei pressi! ;)
