
mercoledì 20 marzo 2013

Welcome back, Spring!

Today - at 11.02 a.m. (in Italy) - Spring come back to us! ^__^ 
fairy and violets
Fairies are so thrilled! My Fairy friend flew fast in the Wood to say "hello" to the young Violets and to give the Notice to the Newborn Fairies!
Birds sing stronger to celebrate the Event and I, in front of such Intensity in spite of the last Winter's breath, can't help thinking about Emily Dickinson's verses:
fairy and violets
I'm the little "Heart's Ease"!
I don't care for pouting skies!
If the Butterfly dealy
Can, I, Therefore, Stay away?

4 commenti:

  1. benvenuta primavera! già si vedono le prime rondini :)
    belli i versi della Dickinson <3

    1. Qui ancora non le ho viste... ma saranno in arrivo! :)

  2. Ciao Daniela!!!Quanti lavori meravigliosi!!!!!!!Sempre delicatissima ed originale!Sei di grande ispirazione per tutti!Un abbraccio!
