
lunedì 25 marzo 2013

The Cherry Blossom Little Fairy

In Rome there is a place where, in Spring, you can admire the Cherry Tree blossoming...
cherry blossom fairy
It's the Japan Walk, around the EUR lake. Petals not yet floating in the air, only the Elves' ribbon dances with the wind.
cherry blossom elf
But between some days, delicate white clouds'll decorate the lake. It's the Sakura given by Tokyo city to Rome, in the '50 years. If you pay attention, you could see a little Fairy between the flowers: she's the Cherry Blossom Fairy.
cherry blossom elf
Every Spring, the Japanese community of Rome - and always more Romans -  celebrate the Hanami here. I go here, too, to visit the Trees and the Little People of the Park: Duks, Bumblebees and... Fairies!
cherry blossom elf
Last Saturday and I met there the Little Cherry Blossom Fairy and a Sleeping Baby Elf! 
ooak micro fairy on a cherry tree
Little Fairy told me that only the Young Trees are in blossom, at the moment, so she was waiting...
thinking micro fairy
...that the Old Trees' buds grow up
sakura elf
and Sleeping Elves wake up!
sakura fairy
In the meantime, she look at the lake and, thinking of the Beauty and the Fleeting of a Cherry Flower life, she help him to blossom.

mercoledì 20 marzo 2013

Welcome back, Spring!

Today - at 11.02 a.m. (in Italy) - Spring come back to us! ^__^ 
fairy and violets
Fairies are so thrilled! My Fairy friend flew fast in the Wood to say "hello" to the young Violets and to give the Notice to the Newborn Fairies!
Birds sing stronger to celebrate the Event and I, in front of such Intensity in spite of the last Winter's breath, can't help thinking about Emily Dickinson's verses:
fairy and violets
I'm the little "Heart's Ease"!
I don't care for pouting skies!
If the Butterfly dealy
Can, I, Therefore, Stay away?

venerdì 15 marzo 2013

In the Wood

A distract look could say that it's yet Winter in the Wood... 

But a sharp look notices the shining Spring news! 
fairy with yellow wild flower

giovedì 14 marzo 2013

A Fairy Magnolia Tree

In an Enchanted Garden - so far from the city - there is a Fairy Magnolia Tree. 
magnolia fairy
Last Sunday my Fairy Friend and me went to visit it. Magnolia is all in blossom, a sweet pink cloud!
magnolia baby fairy
Why is it Fairy? Because it's Beautiful, in my view. But, if it were not enough... Legend has it that inside each of its Bud sleeps a Little Winged Elf, who wakes up as soon as the flower opens, just before the arrival of Spring. 
magnolia fairies
My Fairy friend enjoyed herself a lot looking inside each of them, trying to wake up the Little Elves, to admire the magic flowers opening, so I took advantage of this to take these snaps. It's a very rare event to see, for a Human!
magnolia baby fairy
Usually only Children, Fairies and Wild Mice can see the Little Winged Elves. It's very difficult to see them because, as soon as the flowers are opens, they fly away! But all of us can feel them, because it's their voice, in the last days of Winter, that whispers from heart to heart: "Don't be afraid, Spring is coming..."

lunedì 11 marzo 2013

Celandine is blooming!

Celandine's Stars come to announce the arrival of Spring at long last!
Celidonia Fairy
In the Wood Fairies are waking up... There is much to do, all the world needs new colors! 
Celidonia Fairy
Celandine blooms when Swallows come back and in Flowers' Language she means "joys to come".
Celidonia Fairy
Its Flowers are shiny jellow... Didn't seems like Bright Stars? In Spring I have a feeling that they joint Heaven and Earth!
Celidonia Fairy
The Lesser Celandine is a small flower, but it was much celebrated. It was the Wordsworth's favorite flower, who dedicated her two poem. 
Celidonia Fairy
That's just a little verse, one of my favourite: 
Celidonia Fairy

“There is a flower, the Lesser Celandine,
      That shrinks, like many more, from cold and rain,
      And the first moment that the sun may shine,
      Bright as the sun himself, ’tis out again!”

martedì 5 marzo 2013

Fairy and Bunny Dream Spring

A new Fairy Project for my students! ^__^
fairy and bunny
It's and advanced project, a little bit elaborate than the Little Bell Fairy and the Bunny Fairy
fairy and bunny
But it's just thanks the Simple Fairies that is born! 
fairy and bunny
Now it's better I shut up, I wan't awake them from their Dream... 
fairy and bunny
...They are dreaming Spring!

venerdì 1 marzo 2013

Celidonia's Fairies in tv!

bunny and butterfly
Just a notice! Today Celidonia is in tv sculpting a little Simple Fairy, at 10.00 a.m. at Arturo in the program Faidaté, it's the latest of five serial lessons I made in 2007 (it's the repeat). I'm sorry I tell you only now, but I didn't know before! ^__^