
lunedì 5 novembre 2012

IF - Shy

Illustration Friday week's topic is "Shy". It remembered me an illustration I made a few years ago for "Thumbelina", one of my favourites fairitales.

Illustration Friday Shy Tulip with Little Girl
I believe tulip is yellow when you don't look but it become red if you look, because it's a shy tulip... like its little guest!
I used watercolours, pencils and inks for this work.

6 commenti:

  1. It fits the topic perfect! Love the tulip.

  2. Un ottimo lavoro, perfetto in ogni sua linea. Ciao cara, buona settimana

    1. Grazie Paola! Buona settimana anche a te... e visto che siamo già a metà, buon fine settimana, anche! ^__^
