
venerdì 23 maggio 2014

IF - Universe

A little sketch that I found this morning, during the endless spring cleaning, called to my mind the Illustration Friday week's topic: Universe.

So I quickly inked and colored it and... here it is :) 
No many words... just to say that we often search the Universe outside, forgetting that it is actually inside every one of us. 

Pink Dream Baby Fairy Workshop

This little Baby Fairy will born next June at "Il Giardino Interiore" association - A wonderful name as a Fairy's place of birth, it isn't? Please, email me if you like to attend the fairy course.

domenica 18 maggio 2014

Fairy Reorganization Time

I'm sorry for the silence of the last weeks, it was because of the our spring-cleaning. Fairies and me started to put in order the study and... we are still reorganization that! Fairies are tiny, and I really don't know how so little creatures can take up so much space. It's difficult to put everything in order, because my lab is very small too, but we don't despair... we have the Fairy Powder, after all! :) 

In the meanwhile, the new little Baby Fairy had not one but two Fairy Dresses, but she didn't like neither! I created for her a display, too, and she loves too much staying seated on it. I hope I'll post new photos soon, but honestly I don't know how long our spring cleaning will take. Would you help us? :)