
martedì 26 febbraio 2013

Visiting the Porta Magica

The Alchemical Door is in the heart of Rome, in Piazza Vittorio's Garden. Oak Fairy liked to see this magic place. 
Porta Magica
Legend has it that one day, in XVII sec., a pilgrim arrived at the Massimiliano Palombara marquis' residence. The pilgrim was an alchemist and he guard the secret to Philosopher's Stone. 
Fairy Near Porta Magica
 He stayed for all a night in the garden, in search of a misterious herb able to produce gold and the next morning he was seen disappearing throught the residence's door, leaving behind flakes of gold and a manuscript foll of magic symbols that would cointan the secret of Philosopher's Stone.
Girò per tutta una notte nel giardino, alla ricerca di un'erba misteriosa in grado di produrre oro, e il mattino seguente fu visto scomparire attraverso la porta della villa, lasciando dietro di sé pagliuzze d'oro e un manoscritto pieno di simboli che conterrebbero il segreto della Pietra Filosofale. 
Porta Magica
 The marquis had engraved on the gate that symbols, hoping one day someone would be able to understand them. Many century passed by, but no one was been able till now.
cat near Porta Magica
Now, where one time lived Palombara marquis, a colony of Cats lives. I think that not the Magical Door, not the Alexander Severus Nymphaeum, are the most marvellous thing of the garden, but the mysterious, magical Cats!
cat and fairy near Porta Magica
 Oak Fairy talked a lot with one of them, that revealed her that Cats understand that symbols, but the human are not enough evolved to know.
cat near Porta Magica
So Cats became the guardians of the Magic Door and its symbols.
cat near Porta Magica
 Oak Fairy and me thanked Cats Guardians, and we went at Beehive for brunch, that is nearby, where Aimee by Zeitgusto coocked a tasty vegan cake with banana and oats!
fairy and slice of cake
Fairy and me was agreed: good food is better than stones and golds! ^__^

lunedì 18 febbraio 2013

Tasso's Oak Fairy

Some time ago, while I was walking up Janiculum Hill , I had a Fairy Meeting!
tasso's oak
Do you remember? I succeed in telling you the story only now... Too much things in too little time, and Fairytale needs time and attentions!
tasso's oak
Did you pay attention? Did you see the little Fairy flying near the Torquato Tasso Oak
fairy near tasso's oak
I met her while I was visiting the Old Oak, she called me with a ringing voice! She was circling above, like a Fairy Dance, trailing a little light stars in the air. 
fairy near tasso's oak
She told me she had a highly responsible task for me. She began to tell: "As you know, the old Tasso's Oak doesn't live no more here. This is only her mortal remains. In 1843 Thor struck her by a lightning, because he wanted her with him. But the Old Oak left here an Acorn before to go away. From that Acorn, other Young Oaks was born..."
fairy near tasso's oak
"The Leaf I'm giving you belongs to one of them, the one that grew nearest the Old Mother Oak. It's a Powerful Amulet and needs your sculpting work."
fairy near tasso's oak
"My work? What do you mean?" I didn't understand.
fairy at gianicolo
"In this Leaf flows the Sap of Old Oak. She heard the Tasso's voice, she felt the hearts of many Poets that in the past years came to visit this Magic Place. In this Leaf flows the Sap of Rome..."

fairy ad gianicolo fairy at gianicolo
"Yes, I know, it's for these reasons that I love this place, these oaks... when I was a little girl I always came here with my father and I imagined the poet under the Oak! But what have I and my sculpture work got to do with this story?"

tasso's oak leaf necklace
"You have to sculpt other Oak Leaves, from this, and send them round the world. They have stories to tell to humans, and them place is hung on heart." 
So, from the cast of that Original Leaf, other Leaves Jewels was born, like from that Acron was born other Young Oak. 

fairy and leaf
It's a Fairy Job for me. It's a Fairy Gift for you.

martedì 12 febbraio 2013

Miniaturitalia 2013

I came back from Miniaturitalia Sunday in the night, as much exhausted as happy! That's a photo of my table I took Saturday, first the start of the fair (the exhibitor was behind the camera ^__^). 
Miniaturitalia 2013
I was missing from the fair for two years and the return has been affecting. To see again so much friend and great miniaturists: Marina by La Casetta di Panpepato (with her lovely, sweet christmas-and-not only works), Giovanna by Sotto il Nespolo (great vet and great miniaturist... she cure animals, sculpt animals and draw animals!), Roberta by Le Miniature di Eurosia (sunny friend of flying and many fairs, with her exclusive tuscany ceramic), Patrizia Santi with her wonderful mini shoes, Manuela Michieli with her delightful mini cakes, Elena by Idee da un Mondo di Favola (a dear friend with whom I shared a wonderful edition of Paris Création!), the adorable Mika from Japan and... too much people to mention, but not too much to be all in my heart. 
Miniaturitalia 2013
I knew new talented people too, as Andrea Tomaselli, Marina's brother (they had the tables table mine), who create wonderful veenered furnitures. I was very happy to know Kristiina Meiner, with her original dolls! Unfortunately I didn't have helpers, so I can't see the fair as I liked. The point of view of the fair is almost the same of my fairies: from the table! I'd like to see the Silvia Cucchi's beautiful works, and many others, but I missed it even if in the same room! 
fairy at miniaturitalia 2013
Many people asked me why I wasn't in the ooak section, in the other room: it's because I'm so attached to Michelangelo's Room! I have been in this room since the first Miniaturitalia edition, in the 2004, there are memories and love... moreover, I'm routine like a cat! ^__^ 
Before to go to finish to put in order bags and ideas, I would to say a big thanks to Sabrina and her staff, for the incredible work that they always make for Miniaturitalia! 

giovedì 7 febbraio 2013

Pink Fairy

She's the Pink Fairy I met Sunday in the Beehive's Garden after the magic Zeitgusto's Brunch! Near she was flying, a little gem grew... can you see it?
OOAK pink Fairy among the branches
ooak fairy
ooak fairy
ooak fairy
This is the last post for the moment! My Fairies, Robins, Rabbits, and Little Mice and me are flying to Miniaturitalia! See you there or... see you next week! ^__^

Walnut Elf

Last Sunday I went to Beehive, where Aimee by Zeitgusto cooks a wonderful food! 

walnut elf

It's a fairy cooking and all the place is magic, like the secret garden that is inside. Can you see who was hidden in the walnut I found there? 

walnut elf

No? I just open up a little bit... 

walnut elf

It was an Elf! A Walnut Elf!

walnut elf

It needs alway attention opening walnutElf and me make friends, he would like to play with my Fairy and little Robins and see with me Miniaturitalia

walnut elf

Together with the Fairy I met there in the same day... Soon new photos! ^__^

Flying Robins

Here are my Flying Robins! I gather them in a single post and on a single miniature tree! ^__^

miniature robinflying miniature robins
flying miniature robin
flying miniature robin

I tried to film them in a video, with lacking success, sorry! But I liked  to show you how them move in the air! ^__^

mercoledì 6 febbraio 2013

Robin on Cupcake

Miniature Robin
ooak miniature robin
robin on strawberry cake

Someone prefers strawberries! ^__^

Robin Eating a Cake Crumb

miniature robin
miniature robin by celidonia
miniature robin by celidonia
Never leave a slice of cake unguarded if a Robin is around here! Not even if it's a miniature slice of cake placed in a doll house!

martedì 5 febbraio 2013

Robin on Cherry Cake

miniature robin by celidonia
miniature robin by celidonia
miniature robin by celidonia
There is a little red breast Bird that takes... the red candied cherries on the cake! I fear he eat all of them before Miniaturitalia, and I'll bring at the fair a Robin on cake without cherries. Life is so hard for a miniaturist sculptor of teasing creatures!

Robin on Cup

miniature robin by celidonia

miniature robin by celidonia
miniature robin by celidonia

"Too small a cup to contain a nest!" Little Robin is thinking. 

lunedì 4 febbraio 2013

Robin's Nest

robin's nest by celidonia
robin's nest by celidonia
robin's nest by celidonia
robin's nest by celidonia

An old neglected soup tureen becomes a comfortable nest! ^__^